Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What the future holds

Well it sure has been a long time so i figured i should go ahead and update with some new goals and things that have been going on in my life. First off i am really proud of myself for how far i have come in the past few months.
1) I havent had a single smoke in over 3 months now
2) I have cut out alcohol completely for about 3 months
3) I have been eating really healthy and working out regularly
4) I am down 30 lbs right now
5) I have gotten into pretty good shape and have got my mile time to 9:30

So I have had to overcome a few obsticals in my way but i have overcome because I have decided that i will let nothing get in my way of achieving my goals and being fit and healthy.

As far as future plans go I dont have anything exciting like joing rugby to talk about (even though it would be fun) but i do have a goal set for wanting to do at least 5 , 5K runs this year and posibly even an 8k. Besides that i am mainly just traing so that anytime in the future i get confronted with a physical callenge i will not fail. So bring on the Fire test and Bring on the police test. For now im just trying to get to the gym as much as posible with working full time and EMT school but once class is out then i can get back to the gym 5-6 days a week again.

Well thats all for now and I will update ya'll on how things progress.

1 comment:

Beave said...

Awesome dude good to hear about the smoking, and I'm sorry about the drinking. lol! Congrats on the 30lbs too, you can't catch up to Ricky again! Oh and if you get yourself on days ever maybe you should check out the Riot, I'm sure you'd have a blast.